Brad Hammer
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Brad Hammer is a viral video writer, producer, and director who specializes in campy commercials and music videos ...Brad Hammer is a viral video writer, producer, and director who specializes in campy commercials and music videos ...Brad Hammer is a viral video writer, producer, and director who specializes in campy commercials and music videos ...Brad Hammer is a viral video writer, producer, and director who specializes in campy commercials and music videos.

Arturo Zamudio
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Creator of StillNothungry.com. I consider myself instinctive, and with a free soul, naturally born melancholic and in love with the arts.

Diego Cruz
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I am a natural globetrotter. A suitcase and my eyes are the only thing I need to appreciate and enjoy every corner of the world and its beauty. I am deeply in love with the cultural diversity and the pursue of happiness.

Vania Saenz
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36 years old Internationalist who manages the LATAM region for Moovz and who is looking to normalize the homosexuality in different societies in order to create a better world.

Salvador Nuñez
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Blogger/Communicator; Straight-friendly but gay in heart and soul. Social media, entertainment and hosting. I love to share what makes us feel good and live better. #TONES #TeamSalvadorNuñez

Daniela Nava
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Nutritionist, wife and mother of a beautiful English bulldog. I consider myself in love withe education and passionate with nutrition.

Gerardo Escareño
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Hi! I am Gerardo Escareño, yes this little monster that says "Vaya Vaya!" I was born in Hermosillo, Mexico, I am Gemini, a music lover, dance pop, and everything related to esoterism, movies, and musical videos, and all the entertainment world.

Germán Arnauda
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Born on April 23rd, 1985. A creative during the day and with more than 10 years of experience in the advertising world. I have written TV ads for local and global brands and even collaborated with artists as famous as Patrick Dempsey.

Rufino Arco
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Hello, I am Rufino Arco, 34 years old. Born in Granada, Spain and currently living in Madrid. I am an animal and nature lover. My major is in biology, and I have a very healthy and almost veggie life.

Veronica Gil Bravo
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Soy Veronica, tengo 30 años, soy psicóloga, nací en Orizaba, México y actualmente vivo en Querétaro. Trabajo en recursos humanos, me gusta escribir en mis ratos libres y los fines de semana canto en algunos bares y cafés de la ciudad acompañada de mi fiel guitarra. Estoy soltera y me gusta el jazz, la trova, el vino tinto y las buenas amistades.

David Calderon
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David Calderon is a content creator, journalist, and social media maven. He studied at the University of Southern Californa and has since worked in film publicity and within the LGBT sector. He's a men's travel, fashion, and lifestyle expert. Most importantly, he's a huge nerd with a love for superheroes, video games, comic books, and the list goes on.

Marianella Castro
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Marianella studied in Cayetano Heredia University and Lima University.
She is a musical composer, a visual artist by vocation, a publicist by profession and Founder at "It Gets Better Perú".
Miss Castro is also the protagonist of the lesbian mini-series "Buscando té", this inspired her own blog of the same name. For this blog she tell the adventures of a single lesbian afraid of commitment, who decides to search for love.
Marianella is also the general producer of the first Latin American LGBTI channel called "La Mezcla" made in Perú.

Bicha Salazar
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I am Ileana, better known as Bicha. I am a communications major and music student, closet writer and fully addicted to TV series.

Rodrigo Herrera
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Digital content estrategy especialist, campaign developer and brand architect.

Lily Alvel
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Hi there! I am Lily Alvel, Communicator, photographer, and a visual media producer. I love chocolate and coffee, cloudy days and a nice chat session. Currently I am director and lead vblogger for Liberty Colors, and I LOVE it!

Mildred Pérez de la Torre
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Gemini. Melómanic. In love with books, animals and good parties.
Author of “Lo hice por amor”, novel awarded with the ‘Quimera award’ for best Queer literature.

Shava Torres
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Communicator, PR , tourism promoter for Riviera Maya & Cozumel. Videoblogger and creator of “Del Caribe para El Mundo” in YT.

Juan Carlos Viera
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I’m Juan. I’m a venezuelan writer living in México. I am a fan of photography, technology, and design. I’m also interested in music and writing.

Oriol Pamies
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Oriol is an entrepreneur, LGBT activist, public speaker and a prominent digital influencer. As part of his role as VP Business Development at Interacting Technology, he helped found Moovz, an LGBT social network that aims to create a supportive and respectful global online community. With more than 2M users around the world and especially expanding rapidly in the US and LATAM, Moovz has been the perfect space to develop innovative business partnerships and marketing strategies that make him a key expert when it comes to connecting the business world with the evolution of the digital world.

Kyanna Buchanan
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LGBTQ+ content creator who’s mission is to entertain and inspire others in the community to be themselves no matter the circumstances. My goal is to provide inclusivity and visibility to all by conveying my personal stories and thoughts to the world while having people understand that members of the LGBTQ+ community are just as valid as non-members of the community.

Miryam García
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Abogada y psicóloga, especialista en terapia de pareja con enfoque de género, con interés particular en ayudar a las parejas de la comunidad LGBT+ a tener relaciones de calidad. Soy una apasionada de la música y las artes, en mi tiempo libre dibujo y practico violín.

Lloyd Weston
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Lloyd Weston is Moovz' Head of CRM, as well as an LGBTQ content creator and active member of the gay community based in Madrid, Spain.

Idan Matalon
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Idan Matalon, 28 y\o from Israel and currently living in Mexico. Entrepreneur, LGBT activist, video blogger, and VP Marketing of Moovz - The LGBT social app, and one of the creators. I got connected to the LGBT culture 8 years ago right after I came out of the closet in Israel.
Back then I was a video blogger and did a lot of content on my social medias related to the LGBT culture such as : lipsync video of the pop divas, dramatic telenovelas lipsync, gay rights, coming out stories. videos who encouraging vibe of be yourself and free!

Diverso Magazine
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We are a Digital Magazine created by journalists which is dedicated to the entire LGBTTIQ community from Costa Rica, Latinamerica and the world. Go to http://www.mdiverso.com/ and get to know us.

María Isabel Gavaldá
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Hello, my name is María Isabel, mother and wife I was born in Guatemala but I live in Mexico since a long time. I used to be a very religious person who doubted a lot about my beliefs when I discovered that my older son was gay.

Félix Bravo
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Life and magic lover, always on a spiritual process. Writer, handcrafter and nature lover. Backpacker with a constant hunger to know new places and experiences.

The It Gets Better Project
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The It Gets Better Project is a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California (www.itgetsbetter.org). With affiliates operating in 16 countries on 4 different continents, It Gets Better boasts a truly global operation. Together, they use the power of story - told through online videos, social media, films, and more - to inspire and empower LGBTQ youth everywhere. So far, over 60,000 It Gets Better videos have been shared.

Irene Moreno
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I am Irene Moreno, a communicator, sexologist and actress. I love my job since I am really passionate in everything I do in radio, TV, on stage and with my patients.

Alex Toledo
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I am a writer, communicator and psychologist specialized by accident in human development -thanks God!- I'm also a blogger, conferencist, and storyteller.

JuanFer De la Torre
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I'm an Ecuadorian Designer, living and working in New York City.
I graduated from Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial in Quito Ecuador, where I studied Graphic Design & Art Direction. I specialize in both print and interactive design with a particular interest in branding, editorial design, photography and social media.

Gislenne Zamayoa
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I am Gislenne Zamayoa, Colombian in heart and Mexican in emotion. Being a Trans woman is just a small part of me, and it does not define me as a person.

Karla Lara
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I am Karla Lara, professional in personal development, writer, conferencist, Master Coach in PNL and CEO of NeuroFitness.

Joe Moreno
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Orginally from Venezuela, Joe holds a bachelor on IT with a master in Business Strategy in Spain, as well as Cinematography studies.